About Us
Welcome to Musical Targets, an innovation in creative shooting
We wanted to add a new dynamic to target shooting, and invite a whole new world of people to the sport.
Charles Oclassen - Co-Founder
Well, we’re pretty sure nobody else is making anything like this, and if they are, they are probably infringing on our awesome provisional patent. So that’s a good reason to choose us. Outside of that, this is just really fun. Shooting standard plinking targets just won’t be the same after a round (or a magazine) on our targets. We are a very small shop based out of Denver, CO, but we will do whatever we need to do to make sure you are happy with your purchase.
Having trouble hanging your targets? Let us know, we’ll walk you through it.
Lose a target? We’ll get you a replacement for a very reasonable price.
Break a target? …Really, you did? We’d be impressed and would love to hear that story.
Dropped a target on your toe? It hurts, we know. Ice it and have a beer.
Having trouble finding .22 ammo? Well…we probably can’t help there, but if you do find any, you should definitely hook up your favorite music-based shooting target company, whomever that may be.
Our Founders
Charles (Chas) Oclassen
Awesome bio coming soon…
Adam Ruberg
Awesome bio coming soon…